15 July, 2010

She’s Not Shy: Black-Bellied Malkoha

10th July 2010, Kemensah, Selangor.

Update: Previously posted as a Green-billed Malkoha.

Usually they are very shy and tend to stay between the leaves, up  in the trees. I’ve never seen a Malkoha out in the open  and so close to the ground before._DSC0123




  1. Great shots, Madi, usually it is the Greater Coucal that behave like this...

  2. Great photos Madi. The colours of that bird are incredible, almost unreal but good camoufalge as you point out.

  3. Hi Madi

    Beautiful pics, but of Black-bellied rather than Green-billed Malkoha. Black-bellied:
    1. is darker overall, especially the head
    2. has a shorter tail
    3. lacks the pale line around the facial skin
    4. lacks pale streaks on the throat
    5. has blue rather than pink around the nostril
    6. the nostril looks like a dark comma coming down from the black lores; on GB, it's more like a full stop in front of the lores.

    Compare your bird with this one: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__Dq5_ABpFrs/S_lCpKeukVI/AAAAAAAAMXc/4OIALHy_ANE/s1600/Green-billed+Malkoha_Air+Itam+Dalam_220510_IMG_1646.jpg



  4. Hi Dave,
    Thanks for the correction & additional info. Now I know why she looked a bit small for a GB. I still have to train my eyes to spot the subtle differences between the birds.I'm learning.. I'm learning!

  5. A possible nesting nearby The bird probably is trying to distract you away. Juveniles are also more adventurious. There is also a nesting in UluLangat but high in the canopy.

  6. "I'm learning.. I'm learning! " Yup - me too!

