19 July, 2010

Banded Broadbills

18th July 2010, Kemensah, Selangor.

Although I have seen them before I haven’t  really managed to capture any decent shots of these beautiful birds until today. Four Banded Broadbills  were in the area, vocalizing loudly. At one point all four were on the same tree right above my head. Identified 2 males 1 female, not sure about the fourth. The first three photos are of the female , without the black collar.





Other than the black collar band on the male there are no other perceptible differences  between the sexes.





  1. Nice shots of the broadbill... point me to Kemensah

  2. At last you've got the prize,huh ! My previous encounter with the B&Y Broadbill showed that the female seemed to be more tolerant to the photographer, not sure with this specie though, Great catch, Madi.

  3. yes, really excellent shots and a wonderful opportunity!

  4. What a cracking looking bird. The head looks too big for the body - guess he's an effective flycatcher. Super shot variation Madi.
