12 April, 2010

Up Close and Personal: Velvet-Fronted Nuthatch

10th April 2010, Kemensah, Selangor

I’ve never been in a situation where I had to back off in order to get a full bird in frame. Well it happened with  this bird and she’s a  very small bird.
There were four Nuthatches in the area and this particular bird flew down to about 5 feet from us. These are uncropped full frame photos .







  1. So close! Beautiful shots of very active bird.

  2. Woo!.. so close!
    Mu paka ilmu gapo?, buleh dekat gini. ;)

  3. Hahaa....Untuk ilmu ni, pengerasnya: Ayam Kentucky 1 barrel,Limau Tambun 3 biji, Slurpy 3 gelas!
    I will download this ilmu on your next trip to Kemensah Doc.
