02 April, 2010

Still Solo: Black & Red Broadbill

27th March 2010, Kemensah, Selangor


Mencari jodoh!   ( Looking for a mate)


  1. I saw the guy. He flew in under the Black & Yellow nest. Then came quite near to the pond. Faster on the draw than me! By the way, saw Blue-banded male and Sultan Tit nesting in your backyard. Keep a sharp look out!

  2. Saw a blue kingfisher flash past on Saturday, I don't think it was a Blue Eared because the sound she made was different. Have been on the lookout for the Blue Banded eversince I came to to know from Mike.
    Thanks for the info, next week will be Mission Blue Banded.
    Hmm interesting! Didn't think that Kemensah is high enough for Sultan Tit to be nesting. Saw them passing thru Kemensah back in Oct 2009.
