03 February, 2010

‘Oh It’s Just a Magpie’: I Remember (1)

31st January 2010, Kemensah, Selangor


In our  constant quest for  lifers and more exotic birds let’s not forget  those birds that got most of us into birding. Call me a sentimental guy.

Magpies, I salute you.


‘Oh  It’s just a magpie, I thought it’s a ……….’ is a  remark  I often hear when people see this bird. Yes, they are very common and  you  see them almost everywhere. In fact I can hear them  behind the house as I’m writing this.
Looking back I can still recall my early days of birding when I looked forward to seeing the Oriental magpie robin in my backyard  for two reasons: 1. their cheerful  sound and 2. being my target for sharpening my shooting skill (they still are). Those days birding was still limited to the  rear garden.







  1. An excellant post. Magpie are indeed as you say - overlooked because they are common but i love them. Many people do unfortunatley forget about bread and butter birding in their pursuit of lifers.

  2. Very nice post, Madi. I love our backyard birds, too. But no magpies here. :-(

  3. Madi,
    Just a Magpie huh. I have been out in the western US where they are common many times and have only seren them once. Very fun to watch. Enjoy your site!

  4. I still shoot this robin when in sight..

  5. Funnily enough I sat on the porch and photographed one the other day. Great for honing the skills and a beautiful bird-common or not.
