28 December, 2009

Never Too Young : Blue-Eared Kingfisher

26th December 2009,  Kemensah, Selangor

Things had changed   a little since the time when Tabib was here. The cast-iron water outlet where the Kingfishers sat waiting for the fish had been changed to a new UPVC pipe but they still prefer this location for hunting.
This Blue-Eared Kingfisher was barely old enough to fly  but she’s  already diving in  for  fish- That’s survival in the animal kingdom. She’s  really tiny!


Running out of runway! I don’t think the Navy pilots would  dare land on  their aircraft carrier like this.



Phew, made it!   

1 comment:

  1. Perfect landing!
    I'm glad to know that this species thrive well there.
    I may need to visit them soon! ;)
