25 September, 2010

I’m Back : Blue-Eared Kingfisher

25th September 2010, Kemensah, Selangor

Today is my first outing after  a month of  being away. Back in Kemensah,  I’m slowly trying to get into the rhythm of things. I thought I’d begin with the Blue- eared Kingfishers- they are always great subjects to shoot.

The juvenile seemed happy to oblige,  she kept coming back to the same area to hunt._DSC0195_f







I stumbled upon the adult and juvenile birds resting together as I entered the trail at the far end of the pond.





  1. Welcome back madibirder.
    Great catch of the Blue-eared KF.

  2. Seeing one is already tough, you got two in a frame! :)
    Excellent catch!

  3. always a good subject, never got tire d with this King, lovely shots

  4. Welcome back Madi, so how was the Umrah? hope everything turned out well for you... looking forward to your postings again...

  5. The shots with the tail up and wings spread are great. Welcome back.

  6. Blue-eared Kingfisher is no doubt a jewel of the forest! I've only seen it once but I'll never forget how those bizarre blue feathers stuck in my eyes.
