05 June, 2010

Incubating Whiskered Treeswift: Day 20

4thJune 2010, 6.00pm, Kemensah, Selangor.

The  male was on duty when I arrived.  I actually witnessed the ‘Changing of the Guards”, a simple  changeover where the female flew in next to the male and he flew off almost immediately after. It was  quick that it caught me out- I have no photos to show.


The female  brought a piece of feather ( or maybe she managed to pluck one from the male before he flew off, Ouch……..!) . Some Ornithologists believe that the feathers used for the nest are their own, looking at the colour of this feather I would say that it could be true.


The egg was still there and partially visible.


She didn’t immediately sit on the egg but attended to some repair work to the nest.


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