30 March, 2010

Nesting: Black & Yellow Broadbill

27th March 2010, Kemensah, Selangor

Saw a pair of Black & Yellow Broadbills, one was resting and the other was finishing off his lunch. I hadn’t realize that the pair were having a break from nest building.

Stumbled upon their half completed nest  and stayed there for about an hour to observe the birds bringing in materials. They had chosen a location directly above a  stream,  a similar behavior to the Black & Red Broadbills. It was fascinating to see both partners actively participating  in the building process.

The male
The birds alternately ferry in dry leaves, small twigs and roots  approximately every 5 minutes. At one point the male bird dived into the nest and started pushing out from inside.


A moth in the mouth to replenish the much needed energy.

The female bringing  a leaf 



  1. good find and always nice to see "cute" looking birds like broadbills.

  2. The Yellow are getting rare when compared with the Red & Black.

  3. Wow!.. bring me to this place please!

  4. Great find! Always heard the sound of this bird but hard to see.
