09 March, 2010

Little But Large: Rufous Piculet

7th March 2010, Kemensah, Selangor


London, New York , Tokyo.

No, It was Ipoh, Seremban , Kemensah in 36 hours!

Ipoh to conduct a project  briefing, Seremban for an overnight family function and  whatever daylight left  late Sunday afternoon in Kemensah.

It was this little bird  who made my day, A  tiny Rufous Piculet, she flew onto this open  branch for about 3 seconds and came so close that these were almost full frame shots.

Saw a Piculet last week but it wasn’t this close.




  1. Very good, sharp and nice background.
    Unique dual coloured bill.
    With short tail, I wonder how it balanced its body while poking the hole searching for food.

  2. Excellent phtography, Madi. This is a beautiful little bird. I am glad that 3 seconds was long enough for you to get these shots!


  3. Wow! very lucky. Very close. Amazing you can captuted it beautifuly in 3 sec. Welldone!

  4. Managed a burst of 6 frames, only 3 were keepers.

  5. You did a MACRO on it!!! You lucky guy. The clearest shots I ever seen. Really!

  6. very nicely captured.. congrats!
