23 August, 2009

Juvenile Blue-Eared Barbet

16 August 2009, Kemensah, Selangor


This tiny barbet had me puzzled. She’s about the size of a Coppersmith barbet , but she didn’t have the streaks on the breast and the facial markings. What could it be?

Again this place has revealed another gem with this juvenile Blue-Eared Barbet (Megalaima australis) local name: Takor Akar. Being a juvenile the colours, especially around the face are not fully developed yet. _DSC0308

This fruit is a favourite of most Barbets.

A tinge of blue and the black collar have already appeared at
the throat. Hopefully I will get to see the adult bird soon.


  1. Madi - you have outdone yourself. The shot of the bird with the fruit in its beak is outstanding!

