28 October, 2010

Photos Sir? : Blue-Eared Kingfisher

23rd October 2010, Kemensah, Selangor

There were no birds to shoot last Saturday. Luckily this juvenile Blue-Eared Kingfisher decided to drop in to have her pictures  taken. This was the closest that I had managed to get to this King. It wasn’t the perfect perch but then  beggars can’t be choosers!





  1. awesome photo even if it is on a drain pipe. Our kingfishers never land anywhere close to where one can get a photo.

  2. MB, now i am squinting hard at my schedule if i can pay you a visit soon for this beauty! Hahahha. Those in Panti are extremely elusive!

    Excellent catch btw.

  3. Hi Paul
    You're most welcomed. The Kingfisher's pond is about 15 min fr my house. There are 2, an adult an a juvenile. I'm usually in Kemensah every Sat & Sun mornings if there are no family errants to run. Diversity of birds is quite good in Kemensah, density-wise not really great. It's the nearest place in KL to get to see these birds.

  4. Wow that's a gorgeous series of photos of this beautiful kingfisher! How could you get that close!

  5. You seem to be the luckiest bird photographer most of the time! Awesome shots, Madi

  6. Wonderful shots Madi, in fact unbeatable I'd say.
