08 October, 2010

I Know You: Whiskered Treeswift

26th September 2010, Kemensah, Selangor

There were 2  male Treeswifts on the same tree, I recognized one bird as the male parent bird which I had previously been following. The other was a young bird, ‘freckelled’ lower facial stripe, thin slender body and fresh flawless feathers. I’m pretty sure he is Hakem, 2 month old by now. Interesting to note that he still remains in the same area as the parents.

What a handsome  bird he turned out to be!





  1. Glad to see 'Hakem' is doing well! perhaps you should be looking to find him a suitable mate soon, Madi.....

  2. He is a handsome fellow now. Ari has a point.
