16th September 2012, Pantai Jeram, Selangor |
Local Name: Belatuk BelacanScientific Name: Dendrocopos moluccensisEquipment: Nikon D600, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII
16th September 2012, Pantai Jeram, Selangor |
Local Name: Belatuk BelacanScientific Name: Dendrocopos moluccensisEquipment: Nikon D600, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Sewah HantuScientific Name: Hierococcyx fugaxEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII |
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Sambar Ekor PanjangScientific Name: Terpsiphone paradisiEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII |
8th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Lang KangokScientific Name: Ichthyophaga humilisEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIIISoaked but it was worth the wait.
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Pekaka Dada Putih, Pekaka BelukarScientific Name: Halcyon smyrnensisEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Equipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIII
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Dendang SenjaScientific Name: Oriolus xanthonotusEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIIIThe male wearing a dark hood
The female
15th September 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Berek-berek Janggut MerahScientific Name: Nyctyornis amictusEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIIIA large and very colourful Bee-Eater. This bird has a bit more red beard to grow.
31st August 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Sewah TakuwehScientific Name: Cacomantis sonneratiiEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIIIIt has been several years since my last sighting of this beautiful Cuckoo in Kemensah.
31st August 2012, Kemensah , Selangor |
Local Name: Belatuk Sayap MerahScientific Name: Picus puniceusEquipment: Nikon D7000, Nikkor AFS 400mm f2.8ED VR+TC20EIIIA male woodpecker on his morning round