21 October, 2009

Grey Wagtail - more colourful than the name.

18th October 2009, Kemensah, Selangor

I’ve noticed  Grey Wagtails (Motacilla cinerea) in Kemensah over the last couple of weeks. This is my third attempt at shooting these birds which on two previous occasions I had failed   to get any decent photos. As the name suggests,  you can see them wagging their tail near the stream or  in the middle of the road. This particular  bird  is a female. Although they prefer being out in the open it is difficult to get close to these birds as they seem to maintain a certain distance from human.


As seen from these photos, Kemensah has not been spared from the ravages of human activities. Lately illegal dumping of unwanted building materials have become quite rampant. A  red painted door leaf thrown into the river  as the backdrop.



I don’t think she appreciates the rock-to-rock carpet. Absolute madness!








  1. My schedule posting of same species at 12.01am, coming soon.
    Not as beautiful as your pictures.

  2. I guess its hard to frame the shot without those man made debris..
