14 October, 2009

Female Black & Yellow Broadbill

10th October 2009, Kemensah, Selangor


I’ve shot Black & Yellow Broadbills (Eurylaimus ochromalus) before but they were always the male birds. This time it was the female which made an appearance at the photo shoot. Notice the broken black collar of the female as compared to the continuous collar of the male.




Mouth watering caterpillar









I’ve been testing viewing this blog on a lower resolution screen (1024x768) with Mozilla Firefox 3.5. I found that Firefox allows you to zoom out and view the entire page without clipping the right margin regardless of the screen resolution. This is not the case with Internet Explorer  although it gives a sharper view of the photos compared to Firefox.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very unique looking bird, Madi. It is so compact with its large head, broad bill (ha!), and short tail. Your photos of it are exquisite. Regarding your blog layout - today I can see everything in the body of the blog, but I still have to scroll to the right to see the entire banner photo. The photos are very sharp. I'm using IE7.
